Before Abstract Submission

Abstracts Overview

With the submission of an abstract to Galen Medicine Days 2024, presenting author:

  • Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
  • Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
  • The author guarantees the originality of the abstract's data and conclusions, ensuring they have not been previously published in the same format and with the identical title.
  • Disclosure of any potential financial conflicts of interest regarding products or processes mentioned in the abstract is mandatory.
  • For studies involving human or animal participants, adherence to relevant regulatory authority approvals and informed consent protocols, where applicable, is required.
  • Upon selection for presentation (oral/short talk or poster), the author grants permission for the abstract's publication in the IZTU Journal of Medical and Health Sciences and on the official Galen Medicine Days 2024 website.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online by no later than 16.09.2024. Notes that submitted abstracts cannot be withdrawn after 16.09.2024.
  • The abstracts of the papers submitted to the conference will be published in the IZTU Journal of Medical and Health Sciences.

Abstract Format

The abstract should respect the following guidelines:

  • The abstract must be written in clear and grammatically correct English, adhering to the conventions of academic writing.
  • Titles should be concise and informative, accurately reflecting the abstract's central topic.
  • The use of commercial brand names is discouraged.
  • Complete author information, including full names and institutional affiliations (city and country included), should be provided.
  • Abstracts should be organised under the headings as in the template:
    1. Introduction
    2. Material and Method
    3. Results and Discussion
    4. Conclusion
  • The uploaded abstracts will not be accepted exceeding 2,500 characters (excluding title and author information).
  • Standard abbreviations may be used throughout the abstract. If using non-standard abbreviations, define them in full at their first use within the text. Represent chemical compounds using their generic names in lowercase. Commercial names are permissible within the body of the abstract, but must be denoted with the registered trademark symbol ® and placed in parentheses following the generic name (e.g., "paracetamol (Tylenol®)").
  • Supplementary data, appendices, figures, graphs and photographs are not allowed for submission.

Only the submitting author will receive a confirmation/abstract number via email by the Conference Secretariat.
For questions regarding the online submission process, please contact our support team via:

Abstract Selection

The Scientific Committee will make the selection of abstracts for oral presentation/short talk and poster presentations by 23.09.2024. The presenting author will receive an email with the result of the review and the Scientific Committee’s decision on the abstract no later than 23.09.2024. Depending on the selection of presentation format by the committee, further instructions on how to prepare posters or presentations at the Conference will be provided. If a selected author cannot present, the presenting author should assign a replacement presenter to present the abstract.

  1. Oral Presentation/Short Talk: The submitted abstract has been chosen for oral presentation/ short talk within a conference during the main program.
  2. Poster Presentation: The submitted abstract has been selected for presentation in a poster format. These posters will be grouped thematically and displayed during designated poster sessions.

Please note that if the abstract is accepted for oral/short talk or poster presentation, the abstract will only be published in the IZTU Journal of Medical and Health Sciences if one of the authors is a registered participant to Galen Medicine Days 2024 and full payment has been received by the advised deadline. If Conference registration has not occurred by the deadline, the Abstract will not be included in the publication.